You look like you’re going to spend your life having one epiphany after another, always thinking you’ve finally figured out what’s holding you back, and how you can finally be productive and creative and turn your life around. But nothing will ever change. That cycle of mediocrity isn’t who your are: the thing standing in [...]
The excellent folks at the Pew Internet and American Life Project have recently released an update of their 2009 report on reputation management and privacy attitudes among US internet users. The ‘top line summary’ says, “Social network users are becoming more active in pruning and managing their accounts” but I would be cautious about suggesting [...]
Il Free Software User Group Italia, in collaborazione con il Comune di Arezzo, Il Liceo Scientifico “F.Redi” e l’ITE Buonarroti è felice di presentare il “Document Freedom Day 2012 (DFD12)”, che si terrà presso l’aula magna del Liceo Scientifico “F.Redi” durante la mattina e presso i locali dell’Informagiovani il pomeriggio. Il Document Freedom Day è
Of course it has a role for easy, quick communication of relatively unimportant information but I fear that its very availability and ease means that like some kind of online kudzu it is expanding and driving out longer-form online discourse – particularly blogs. This is particularly problematic for academics like myself. It used to be [...]
Classico argomento in cui ci si schera a posteriori dopo aver analizzato a che credo politico si appartiene, premetto che di solito simpatizzo più per chi fa casino che per i politicanti che puntualmente cavalcano lo sdegno perbenista. Ritengo tuttavia che non sia una questione di poveri alberelli sradicati, come suggerisce Santoro in un capolavoro [...]