Intro One of the courses of this semester is ACSO: “Architettura dei Calcolatori e Sistemi Operativi” (Computers’ Architecture and Operating Systems). Part of the course focuses on assembly programming using good old Motorola’s M68k. Despite the fact that as processorContinue reading
Nascosto dal frastuono della legge di stabilità, della webtax e della solita telenovela tra destra e sinistra, sta passando sotto silenzio il disegno di legge, promosso Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali, per l’aumento del 500% di quello che viene definito “equo compenso per copia privata”. Per chi non lo sapesse, l’equo compenso altro
Hello there! A couple of days ago i remembered of the old days using my glorious ThinkPad T42, one of the most awesome laptop I ever had. Among other things I used to run, there also was the knockAge script.Continue reading
Hello everybody! I’ll be taking a quite long train ride (approximately nine hours) on Dececember 19th, and I thought I could spend the day reading a whole book, so recommendations are accepted. Rules are: The book should be available onContinue reading