If you’ve tried the new Miosix 2.0 recently, you may have noticed that compiling an hello world without tweaking the build options results in a code size of around 90KB for the kernel plus the hello world program. This appears to be a big step up with respect to Miosix 1.6, but is due to […]
Giovedì 15 Maggio il POuL organizza un incontro dedicato alla scoperta dei Field Programmable Gate Array e degli strumenti che ne semplificano la programmazione. L'evento è rivolto a chi vuole approfondire la conoscenza delle tecnologie che mettono a stretto contatto hardware e software e non sono richieste particolari conoscenze pregresse sulla programmazione di FPGA. L'incontro si svolgerà nell'aula C.I.1 dalle 16.15 alle 19.15. Warning: L'evento è totalmente gratuito e non necessita di iscrizione. Potete trovare il materiale e i video della conferenza su questa pagina. Programma: FPGA: tra passato e futuro dei sistemi riconfigurabili Il framework PandA: software libero per la programmazione di FPGA
If you’re watching Miosix’s git repository, you probably noticed that in the last year most commit were done in the testing branch, but until now no official information was available on how to use the testing branch. Today Miosix 2.0beta1 has been officially released, together with changes to the Miosix website, including a wiki. A […]
I’ve been writing in the past about how much the Internet has changed since I was younger. The Internet was way more libertarian. In some rare cases, you could have got in touch with someone from your realContinue reading
I have been doing a lot of things although I haven’t been blogging on them. I had an idea for a blog couple of months ago but I didn’t put it in action because I was waiting for a certainContinue reading