Over time, I find myself more and more interested in CMake. That’s because I write many little programs, and those that use makefiles routinely break as I switch OS.
The last one was a program that depended on libpng. When I tried to compile it on Mac OS X, it failed to find the library. That’s because on Linux libpng.so is simply in /usr/lib and png.h is in /usr/include, both of which are in the compiler’s search path, so that all you need to do is add “-lpng” when linking.
But on a Mac libpng.dylib (yes, shared libraries on a Mac have .dylib extension) is in /usr/X11/lib and png.h is in /usr/X11/include that are not in the compiler’s search path, so that when compiling you need to add “-I/usr/X11/include” and when linking “-L/usr/X11/lib -lpng”.
The solution was not to keep two separate makefiles, but rather to throw away the makefile and replace it with a CMakeLists.txt
Which brings us to the question: how to link with libraries using CMake?
There are two ways, the first is the find_package command, the other is the find_library command.
Let’s start with find_package. CMake “knows” about many widely used libraries. For them, there is a script to find them in all supported platforms. So, to use a library all you need to do is find it with the find_package command. Here is a simple example of a program that uses threads and so depends on “-lpthread”, main.cpp:
#includeusing namespace std; void *thread(void *argv) { cout<<"Into a spawned thread"< and here is the CMakeLists.txt file:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6) project(TEST) ## Target set(TEST_SRCS main.cpp) add_executable(test ${TEST_SRCS}) ## Link libraries find_package(Threads REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(test ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})As can be seen, the first parameter passed to find_package is the name of the package, the second is “REQUIRED” and means that if the library could not be found, CMake should stop and print an error message.
Once the library is found, you have to say which executable needs it (because a single CMakeLists.txt can be used to produce many executable by just using more add_executable commands). This is achieved with the target_link_libraries command that appends a library to the list of libraries an executable needs. The first parameter is the executable name, the second is the library. Note that find_library generates a variable that contains the name of the library, in this case the name is CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT. This strange name is an exception, usually all find_package scripts create a variable with the name
_LIBRARY. Now a more complex example: the libpng issue I talked about earlier. It is more complex because you don’t just need to add a library when linking, you also need to tell the compiler where is the png.h file when compiling. Luckily, CMake has a package for libpng that does all that, and here is the CMakeLists.txt example:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6) project(TEST) ## Targets set(TEST_SRCS test.cpp) add_executable(test ${TEST_SRCS}) ## Link libraries find_package(PNG REQUIRED) include_directories(${PNG_INCLUDE_DIR}) target_link_libraries(test ${PNG_LIBRARY})The find_package command finds the PNG library, target_link_libraries adds the library to the list of libraries the executable needs, and include_directories adds the directory where the .h file is when compiling.
But this isn’t the end. Other than libraries there are collections of libraries. And CMake supports them too. One example are the boost libraries. There is no single libboost.so to link to; instead every sub-library has its .so file. So there should be a way to link only with the desired sub-libraries. This is an example CMakeLists.txt that does that:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6) project(TEST) ## Target set(TEST_SRCS main.cpp) add_executable(test ${TEST_SRCS}) ## Link libraries set(BOOST_LIBS thread date_time system) find_package(Boost COMPONENTS ${BOOST_LIBS} REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(test ${Boost_LIBRARIES}) find_package(Threads REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(test ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})In this case we initialize a variable with the sub-libraries we want (boost.thread, boost.date_time and boost.system). Then we call find_package with the library name (Boost), the word COMPONENTS followed by the list of sub-libraries and as usual the REQUIRED word. Since boost.thread depends on the system’s thread library, we also use another find_package command to link with threads.
This ends the examples of find_package, but there is one last issue: what if we need a library for which there isn’t a package script? The solution is to use the find_library command. It will search in the system paths for the needed library. Here is an example that uses the command to find the Poco libraries:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6) project(TEST) ## Target set(TEST_SRCS main.cpp) add_executable(test ${TEST_SRCS}) ## Link libraries find_library(POCO_FOUNDATION PocoFoundation) find_library(POCO_NET PocoNet) target_link_libraries(test ${POCO_FOUNDATION} ${POCO_NET}) find_package(Threads REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(test ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})The find_library command takes two parameters, the first is the variable where the found library will be stored, and the second is the library name (the name is camelcase in this example because Poco libraries are camelcase, the library name is really libPocoFoundation.so).
References: CMake wiki